Rest and Motion are Miraculous

by Michael Feeley
YOU ARE MOVING and not moving all the time – when you sleep and get out of bed in the morning.
Moving from one room to another in your home – working – traveling with transportation (short and long distances).
Even when you are still, your body is moving – heart beating – brain thinking – breathing – seeing+++
You are a combination (a oneness) of rest and motion.
Sometimes rest and motion is in a beautiful relationship, like when you hit your stride jogging, playing an instrument, riding an elevator, stepping into a yoga pose, or writing on a computer.
Sometimes rest and motion is out of balance, like when you drive too fast, eating and talking, or waiting on hold for customer service to pick up.
Speaking the words ‘rest’ and ‘motion’ will have you feel rest and motion.
Observe how rest and motion work in you and the world around you.
The opposites of rest and motion are ordinary, simple, vital, and miraculous.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with others.
This is important too – The Opposites in You and the World.