
by Michael Feeley
REPOSE IS A beautiful word.
Say it out loud – repose. It feels good to say and feel.
Repose is a state of tranquility, relaxation, and rest.
At night (and sometimes during the day), we get to sleep – to reset, and rejuvenate ourselves so that we are strong and alert in mind, body, and spirit.
We can also feel repose and restore ourselves in activities we do – yoga – meditation -walking – reading – listening to music – cleaning a pool – weeding a garden – preparing food – listening to someone+++
Repose, sleep, and rest are vital gifts to honor, yield to, and enjoy so we can be our best selves in all we do.
You owe this to yourself and others.
R e p o s e > >> >>>
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with your tribes.
I think this is also important – Rendezvous with YOU.