Remarkable You

by Michael Feeley
Where do people remark about you? Talk about who you are and what you do that hurls you right out of being average and forgettable into being memorable, so much so that when you show up, people notice and feel good?
(If you don’t think you’re remarkable, this post is not for you.)
You have an opinion of your self and your work, and there is at least one thing about you that you believe is remarkable. Something that makes you stand out. A gift and skill you have that are respected and needed by others. It counts. It matters.
What is it?
What’s it for?
And the amazing thing is also this – you are not alone. There are other remarkable people like you who you can connect and collaborate with.
Being remarkable is something good to be. It’s a choice.
Will you choose to be remarkable?
It takes work, and once you see why you are remarkable, it’s easy to keep doing and being remarkable – being unforgettable.
As a coach – I’m will try to see you – hear you – to understand with all my might and heart – who you are and what you want for your life. Changes – dreams – hopes – fears – shame – gratitude – genius. I’ll keep asking questions until you find the answers in and around yourself. I won’t leave you alone until you see you are remarkable. You matter.
(This is my remarkable choice.)
Don’t let resistance rob you of your remarkableness and the opportunity to encourage other people to be remarkable too.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I like this for you too – Do Your Best Work.