Playing the Game of Life

by Michael Feeley
LIFE DEALS YOU a hand of cards to play—full of surprises and strategies. Sometimes you win, and other times
you throw in the cards and start again. Deal me in. Deal me out. You have many possibilities sorting your cards.
I don’t believe life is about winning or losing but merely playing the game. Making the best choices you can
with the cards you hold and enjoying not knowing what will be.
Your life is not determined by your circumstances but by your choices to live the best life you can.
Whatever life presents, it’s possible to create a win-win situation where all players benefit. Not to beat others out but
to play fair – good sportsmanship – generosity – pleasure – and gratitude in playing the game of life with everything you have.
Why not play full out with the unknown and the mysteries of life?
Cards are like ideas, business, projects, relationships. You don’t’ know how things will turn out until you commit to playing.
“Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re gonna get.”– Forrest Gump
And – you do get a chocolate.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this post and remind people to play the game of life full out!
See what you think of this – Are You Living the Life You Want?
#338 (photo – Seth Godin Playing Cards)