People Have Names and Deep Meaning

by Michael Feeley
Look around you and see people.
They might be people you know or strangers, but they are people—human beings just like you and me with whole, rich, complex, interesting, valuable lives.
Housekeepers – taxi drivers – store owners – nurses – clients – family – friends. These descriptions and labels tag and help us know them in fundamental ways.
Argentina is a housekeeper…
Peddy is a taxi driver…
Addie is a grocery store owner…
Naomi is a nurse…
Debi and Erin are clients…
Albert is a husband and real estate agent…
Cece is a property manager and concierge…
Johanna and Wim are hotel/restaurant owners and friends…
Please dig deeper. Please fill in and fill out their lives.
Argentina is a woman, daughter, wife, and mother of a certain age with specific feelings, hopes, dreams, fears, doubts, attitudes, skills, life knowledge, gratitude, abilities, and talents. The extraordinary facts and details of who she is have meaning. There is truth to who Argentina is.
Personal names, descriptions, titles, and abilities tell a story about each person. Let us use this knowledge to be kind, to know and understand not to discriminate, dismiss, or harm but to learn who people are, recognize their humanity, and say, “ I see and hear you. I hope and intend to be fair to you, your individuality and world meaning.”
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This is also important – Maya Angelou.