Order and Freedom in You

by Michael Feeley
WHAT DOES IT mean to put things in order?
I like to be organized at home and in my work – closets, desk, lists of things to do. It helps me feel free, relaxed, confident, sharp, sound, and happy about myself and my relationship with the outside world.
I like it when a course is well planned out when I want to learn new things.
When working with clients, being highly organized lets people know what they will get from my services and products.
I see order and freedom working well in:
Supermarkets – hardware stores – drug stores – farming – clothing stores – libraries – parking lots – car washes – musical scores – cooking – writing a Blog – teaching – gardening – Netflix – Amazon – teaching+++
Some people seem to work fine without order at work or at home.
Freedom and order are different for every person and what they need to live well and be themselves.
How we each respond to disorder and order – plan and spontaneity – freedom and structure – is about how we view the world.
I know when life gets challenging and out of control, having things around me working in an orderly way gives me peace and direction.
I do love the subject of organization and freedom.
How do order and freedom work in your life?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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