‘noreply’ – ‘noempathy’

by Michael Feeley
A few months ago, a social media site I post on gave me a writing badge as a “Top Writing Voice.” I felt honored.
Recently, I received an email titled, “Michael, your Top Writing Voice badge expired.” They encouraged me to keep writing to earn it back as they assess badges every 60 days.
I started to reply, but – “noreply” – appeared in the email address. It means – we’re not available to talk about this, and you’ll have a hard time finding anyone to listen, anyone who cares.
What it should say is “noempathy.”
The “noreply” message is part of a system we live with and often must accept. The status quo, industrial state of mind that lets you know, “This is how it works around here. Keep your head down. Do your work. No questions allowed, or there will be consequences.”
– If a person is given the Medal of Honor, should it be taken away if they no longer fight in a war?
– If an actor wins an Oscar, should they give it back if they never act in another movie?
– What about the Nobel Prize? Revoked because the person has not produced similar work?
– A Wimbledon trophy returned because the person retires from tennis?
– How valuable is a college degree if the person is no longer in school?
– Is a community service award for doing good considered worthless if the person stops serving?
When you achieve something you’re proud of, how long should it last and matter to you or any human being?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Your Choice for Service.
(google image – actor Viola Davis winning and Oscar)