No Degree Necessary

by Michael Feeley
HOW NECESSARY IS it to have a degree, certificate, diploma to be happy and successful?
Why can’t you be a lifelong learner, studying, going after knowledge, practicing skills, and achieving what you want without that approval piece of paper?
Who do you know in history, business, sports, the arts who does not have the status quo degree or job experience and
built something successful where people and the world benefit?
Going to Yale, getting 1600 on your SAT’s, interning with Vera Wang doesn’t guarantee you’re qualified and can do the job.
You have got to produce!
When you stand on a Broadway stage, in front of the director, it doesn’t matter if you went to Julliard. He wants to be swept off his feet with emotion by your unique reading, your singing, your dancing, so much so that he only wants you because
you’re the singular sensation.
Go after what you want and don’t fall into the – “I need the degree; I have to pay my dues” TRAP.
> Take action and work hard.
> Build an achievable plan.
> Practice and try.
> Practice and do and do it again and again.
> Get yourself out into the world so people see who you are and what you have to offer.
> Pick yourself.
> Permit yourself.
> Honor your self and your art.
> Create your opportunities.
> Don’t delay your dreams.
People are Waiting for You and Your Gifts. No Degree Necessary.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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I think this matters too – Are You Doing Work You Love?