My Profound Gratitude to Art and Life

by Michael Feeley
I’m thrilled and honored Michael Reilly, with this gift of your art – a beautiful painting of jazz trumpeter Lee Morgan – to use in my daily work. “One Kickin’ Trumpet Player” is what you said. Thank you my friend!
I’m just captivated by the life and energy in the lines and form of this man and how he is one with his trumpet. It has what I love about Jazz – freedom, spontaneity, precision, plan, depth, spirit, vitality – the skill of improvisation and possibilities.
I’m also matching it with a letter I received from a man I’m privileged to coach, who bravely fought for freedom in the service of his country and who’s also discovering his own personal freedom as he works to change his life and career.
Courageously looking at himself. Studying his view of the world and what interferes with him finding himself – getting back to who he was… and is… and hopes to be. Creating new possibilities with real feeling and lasting change. That’s what he wants. That’s the change he told me he yearns for and
we went after together.
“After the 9/11 incident, I left the corporate world to fight the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Despite two challenging tours, I made it out of the military physically and mentally intact. Moreover, I was energized with a sense of bravery and fierceness that I had worked hard for and earned. I was ready to transition back to the corporate world carrying these two things in my back pocket. Seven years later, I slowly lost those traits. In some ways I’d gotten lost in the shuffle.
Life Coaching has provided me much insight about the me that I once knew and insight about myself that I simply disregarded or was not aware of. Working with you, Michael Feeley, provided me a fair and balanced perspective in reasons for many of my career choices and also provided perspectives that I would have not otherwise considered.
Below are the top things that Life Coaching helped me realize:
- What I was and what I am can be reverted back because it is a choice that I can take. In my situation, it is a positive version of regression.
- We are sometimes our worst critic. While that can work against us, it’s also important that we are kind to ourselves by acknowledging that we are successful in more things than we think or are willing to see.
- Dare to dream and pursue your dreams. If Walt Disney can pitch the idea of a mouse for his proposed theme park, then choosing a career that balances passion with practicality is not far reaching.
- Since life is truly short, then why not pursue those things that evoke our heartfelt passion? “To live life with passion is to live life to the fullest.”
There’s new vitality and purpose in this man’s life because he’s getting what he wants – knowing himself truly and liking what he sees. I have tremendous respect and love for the detailed and hard work he has done and so grateful I can to be of service to him.
Life Coaching isn’t light weight hocus pocus shots of positivity. It’s a serious process of art and science – logic, facts and feelings that make for extraordinary and real changes because coaching knows how to emotionally connect with a person’s inner purpose, goals and hopes and helps make them a reality.
- Coaching gets results.
- It makes sense.
- It’s thought provoking and creative.
- It takes you from where you are to where you want to be.
- Anchoring you in your strengths.
- Acknowledging and promoting your gifts and skills.
- Asking and enabling you to be more than you thought you could be.
- To discover answers and solve problems about the things that deeply matter to you.
- Creates change for people, communities and the world.
Thanks – Michael