Meant to Be

by Michael Feeley
I HAVE A WIND-UP chiming clock that hung on the wall of our New York home for many years, and it never worked.
When we moved to the Caribbean Island of Saba, it’s been working perfectly for the past 10 years. So it was meant to be here.
Just like a clock, we each need to find a place in the world – a house, a location, a particular person – where we work well,
feel comfortable, happy, at home.
Some things are meant to be (sure to happen), and then again, maybe not.
Something may not work out as you hoped, and the disappointment of, this wasn’t meant to be, can be ever so painful to bear, and then… somehow, something better appears in your life, and you see the loss and the new possibility is a meant to be plus.
I like to think of it this way – the forces of the universe are planning my success, and I must trust that the world is taking good care of me – leading me into meant to be.
Where have you experienced meant to be in your life?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this post.
I think you’ll also like this – Trust.
#574 (photo – by me – Michael Feeley)
AND – I received this wonderful message on LinkedIn from Tracy Holloman
“What a beautiful story Michael, and I see so many messages in it.
Instead of throwing in the towel when it looks like things just won’t work, we can choose to find our place in the world where we can thrive.
Timing is everything and sometimes time runs out on particular situations or circumstances that we find ourselves in and then it may be time to chart a new path to a new opportunity.”