Maintain or Let Go

by Michael Feeley
Will you choose to maintain things or let them go?
Maintain and care for your body, family, friends, relationships, pets, clothes, home, car, business, clients, services, products, and world.
If you care for a garden, you keep it free from weeds and water, feed it, and prune it so it can be all it can be, blooming and producing flowers, fruits, and vegetables. If you let it go, it gets overgrown, filled with weeds and leaves, and the plants suffer.
Suppose you offer quality customer service by answering the phone on the first ring and going to work solving clients’ problems. In that case, you’re maintaining a standard because it matters compared to an answering message service that keeps people on hold for far too long, letting them know you may not care how you once did when you first shared your work.
Respect for people and things is at the center of maintaining something. Respect takes work, time, and commitment. Why let quality slide into mediocrity, getting by or ignoring it when you can shine and feel proud of your choices to maintain and grow something better and better?
Maintain or let go?
Maintain because you care. Let go because you don’t care.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Let Respect Run Your Life.