Lost Causes

by Michael Feeley
A LOST CAUSE is usually seen as a waste of time. We believe some things and people will not change. However:
> You can respect yourself and working hard for justice because you have integrity and believe truth matters. You expected
to win, but that is not always how the world or the status quo works. Life is not always fair.
> It’s never a lost cause to fight for rights and honor.
> The fact that other people know about injustice is a win.
> Some change was created by taking action and speaking up consistently.
> Anger, shame, and even silence from perpetrators are potent tools and emotions to study.
> Figure out what you learned from your actions and the responses and apply them.
There’s other important work to do, causes that matter, and your knowledge and commitment will benefit many of them.
Stop banging at a door where some people will never answer. Instead, step into a new space where you can be seen and
are successful at creating positive change.
You will survive – the lost cause. You’re not weak for stopping. It takes tremendous strength and wisdom to walk away and take a different stand.
> What if there are no lost causes?
> What if it’s just a matter of time before change does happen?
> When change does happen, you’ll know you were part of it.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is critical too – Don’t Play with Integrity.