Lists and Pleasure

by Michael Feeley
LISTS OF THINGS can push your buttons to go FAST so you can get to the things you love doing.
How can you cross things off your lists without rushing and cursing and instead have pleasure and gratitude?
I try two things:
1. Think how I can change a ‘have to,’ such as grocery shopping, into a ‘want to’ where I soon discover the joy of searching out specific foods and items amid great abundance and variety.
2. Seeing my list of to-dos as a process – something to honor and relax into as part of living life.
And – when I look at my list, I often see that many of the things I list I don’t need to do right away or ever. They’re just orders
I give myself that create resistance so I don’t have to be happy and grateful.
You always have a choice in how you see and do things – learning how to balance what you have to do and
what you want to do with pleasure and gratitude (and that can take practice to get to) is the one that works well for me.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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