Life Coaching and Gratitude

by Michael Feeley
WHEN I WAS studying to be a coach, it seemed we worked with every life situation there is – coaching couples, individuals, groups, anger, joy, coaching your inner critic, building confidence, questions of age, family, children, grief, breaking down blocks, work, religion, love, sex, money, business and the unknown.
We were training, learning, practicing skills, and seeing the critical and empathetic obligation we all have never to judge another human being. Never to see their choices as good/bad, right/wrong, but rather to be objective, not biased or opinionated about how someone else lives.
It’s a critical matter of how we each see what is different from ourselves – different lifestyles, cultures, skin color, beliefs, preferences, customs, and choices.
I have enormous love, respect, and gratitude for the art of coaching because I see how deeply a coach hopes to be helpful to another person – the beautiful skill of asking questions that will connect and change a client, enabling them to be
all they want to be – were born to be.
Coaching should be original, caring work. Not a cranked-out commodity.
Thanks – Michael (he,him)
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See what this means to you – Free to Change! (4 Life Coaching Tips)