Let Me Have My Dream

by Michael Feeley
SOMETIMES WHEN YOU’RE going after living your dream, you run into roadblocks, and you don’t get what you want and worked hard at.
– You don’t get into Harvard, Princeton, or Yale.
– You fail the bar exam for the third time.
– Your agent doesn’t believe in your new book.
– You’re on your fourth and last try to win the Met Opera Auditions.
Going after a dream is hard work, but this is your future – your destiny. It matters.
Don’t let anything or anyone stop you. Go for your dream full out.
If you fail – what’s your plan B or C or XYZ to get what you hunger for?
Keep being determined and creative, and open every door and window you can.
I believe getting your dream will happen somehow and at some time as long as you believe in yourself and keep showing up.
Your dream is worth it. You’re worth it.
Never give up on your dreams – They never give up on you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily with your tribes.
This also matters – Hold Fast to Your Dreams.