Learning Truth or Lies

by Michael Feeley
CHILDREN WATCH AND LEARN how to tell the truth and how to lie.
They mostly learn how to make this crucial choice by copying their parents, who are humanity’s first representatives of the world to them.
If your mom and dad don’t honor truth and feel that telling false stories is more manageable, chances are you will do the same as a little boy or girl.
Your parents become the measuring stick for how you see truth and lies – men – women – respect – marriage – love – money – justice – kindness – generosity – and hundreds of other vital things.
I know a couple (with a small child) who make up stories and keep adding dramatic, high-powered words to their tales
to look like victims when they’re the perpetrators.
Frequently they’re dishonest about the facts of a situation – not paying bills, hiding, intimidating and manipulating people and situations, showing bias about different cultures and people.
If you’re not telling the truth about other people and things, how can you trust or love the person you’re close to, especially when you agree to be a deceptive team?
Often chronic or pathological lying, known as mythomania and pseudologia fantastica, is a compulsive choice because the person lying thinks the truth is less interesting than the drama of them faking away.
We may never know what trauma a person who lies has endured in their life, what they are protecting or avoiding
by not telling the truth.
The greatest tragedy in this example is the child’s life who trusts his parents and follows their lead because
they’re supposed to help their child learn about ethics and living with integrity.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is something to also think about – Justice Until You Win.