Instant Choices

by Michael Feeley
YOU ALWAYS HAVE choices – decisions – options – alternatives – the free will to make a choice happen instantly,
maybe in a picosecond.
> You can choose to tell the truth or lie.
> You can decide whether to be ethical or unjust.
> You have the option to be kind or mean.
> The alternative to choose honor or be a petty swindler.
> Your free will to live with gratitude or anger.
> Love or hate.
> Patience or irritation
> Confidence or fear.
See your power – the ability to act with your discretion?
You can think about the tradeoff for each choice you make.
What effect will your decisions have on you and other people and things?
What choices will have you respect yourself and have others also respect you?
Sometimes it’s wise to simply acknowledge the choices you have.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please make the choice to share this Daily with your tribes.
This is valuable too – Goodwill is Fierce and Fair.