I Can
by Michael Feeley
IT’S A NEW DAY. You can decide what you want to do with your life and work.
Focus on I Can.
Your ability to make a choice is a gift and a powerful one. It’s freedom. It’s smart.
It means you’re not stuck – not trapped.
You have options and possibilities you can use.
You do not have to wait for anyone to tell you what to do. You can go for what you want.
You are in charge.
Your choices to change and improve can happen in a moment and can be done with gratitude – confidence – and positivity.
> Today – I can choose to eat better, remove sugar and salt from my diet, and drink more water.
> Today – I can look for a new job and decide what I really want to do with my skills and experience.
> Today – I can surround myself with supportive people.
> Today – I can help someone else and stop thinking about only myself.
Your choices do create your life.
Take the time to decide what you want, and build a simple and achievable plan that works.
You Can.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily because you can.
This matters too – Compassion is a Choice.