How Precious is Your Good Name?

by Michael Feeley
What is more important than your integrity – your honor – your good name?
We come into the world and we get named (first and last name) and then we create our name by how we act and treat others. People watch… he’s creative, she’s resourceful, he’s a bully.
As you grow your name does too. It follows you. Goes with you as you go out into the world to work. The connections you make, the services and products you offer build your reputation. You brand yourself with your words and deeds and hopefully they will make you proud and bring you good customers – people who respect you and tell others of your honesty and genuine care because they liked how you treated them. They believe in you.
- What impact do you want your name to have on people?
- How will your reputation stand for trust and quality?
- What do you promise and how will you keep your promises?
There’s art in building a good name. Making it the best it can be. Making it better all the time. Adding to it and
removing what corrupts it.
Pick your good name. Practice it. Never be false to it and never let anyone else tarnish it. Your name is precious!
Take the initiative to be true to yourself. Commit to that. Build a great name and stand in integrity.
Thanks – Michael
Please share this important matter of integrity with many others.
See what meaning this has for you too – How Can You Be Authentic? – A Fun and Easy Test!