How Do You See Difference?

by Michael Feeley
WE EACH HAVE an attitude to the world, and that includes how we see people.
I live and work pretty much-doing things my way – things that are the same and different from other people, without causing harm. It doesn’t mean my way is better.
Another person may run a meeting or write a Blog differently than I would, which is neither right nor wrong, just different, something to acknowledge, listen to, work with and learn from, unless it is hurtful, unjust, unkind, and that cannot be tolerated.
It’s my choice to see differences with respect or disdain. I choose respect – my sincere desire and hope to understand and honor difference in the world – having respect for different cultures, beliefs, attitudes, lifestyles, life choices+++
It requires my work of goodwill, self-commitment, and genuine empathy – my choice to work for social change and racial justice in our society.
The choice for respect or contempt is the most crucial work we each can do in our lives.
Thanks – Michael