How Do You Learn and from Whom?

by Michael Feeley
I like to learn by looking up a word’s definition. The word’s meaning, synonyms, and antonyms help me be creative in my writing and coaching.
I also Google quotations by specific people. Their compact words fire up new ideas.
Then, I watch YouTube videos and TED Talks, listen to Podcasts, and read books and Blogs by people I admire on specific subjects.
Here are some of the people I learn from:
Seth Godin
Gloria Steinem
Albert Einstein
Maya Angelou
Arianna Huffington
Natalie Goldberg
Steven Pressfield
Maria Shriver
Kelly Brogan MD
Nelson Mandela
Helen Keller
Adam Grant
Ann Frank
Jacqueline Novogratz
Martin Luther King
Simon Sinek
Mel Robinson
Charles Dickens
Mary Oliver
Chase Jarvis
Martha Beck
Daniel Roth
Oscar Wilde
Jon Kabat-Zinn
How do you like to learn?
Who do you learn from?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – You Keep Learning.