How Are You Creating Change?

by Michael Feeley
ALL MY LIFE, I have been creating change. Showing up for other people and their needs because I want to help someone else feel good.
Changing people’s lives shoveling snow – mowing lawns – delivering newspapers – singing and acting – booking cruises – finding people jobs – coaching – selling real estate – writing.
Creating change is a tremendous, driving pleasure for me.
It’s a vocation of service. Something I love doing not something I have to do.
It’s profoundly gratifying to help someone like the world and their lives a little more by creating change – making people feel happier – more themselves – by using my life experience, my feelings, thoughts, creativity and labor to assist them to feel at home with themselves and also at home in the world.
Changer >
Agent for change >>
Catalyst for change >>>
Leader for change >>>>
Where are you creating change, and how does it make you feel?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this post and see how it creates change.
I think this is valuable too – Clearing for Change.