Honor and Dishonor
by Michael Feeley
HONOR AND DISHONOR are present in our lives.
Hopefully, all your choices have you feel honor, pride, and respect for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and words.
Dishonor makes you feel shame and disrespect.
I know a person in the armed services who says he is an honest man, yet he does things in his personal life where he refuses
to tell the truth.
> Where is his consistent code of ethics?
> Why does he choose to lie to his family and the country that hired him to serve with honor in the military?
> What will unethical behavior do to his personal and public trust as a person committed to protecting
the United States of America?
> Why should he play with truth – in and out of uniform – on and off a military base?
> How much should a commanding officer hold every other man and woman in his command to ethical justice?
> When a military person is a guest in a foreign country, shouldn’t he act with complete honor? That means honor when leasing a home that doesn’t belong to him. Caring for it with respect.
> Paying his bills
> When meeting other human beings from a different culture why shouldn’t he show them complete respect by not intimidating and insulting their heritage and work they do to make a living, which includes helping the military person live well in comfort and safety.
I have made mistakes with my honor, and it was painful and humiliating to have sold myself out. However, I chose to learn from my mistakes and recommit to higher levels of personal and professional conduct. I hope to be just to all other people and things every day.
What does it feel like for you to live with honor?
What does it feel like for you to live with dishonor?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily to encourage honesty and truth always.
This also matters – Being True to Yourself Means What?