Happiness Boosts – Moments – Choices!

by Michael Feeley
Happiness boosts are moments of happiness that you choose because something special makes you really happy – a person, music, food, sports, nature, a pet, home and… happiness can also just catch you by surprise! Giving you sudden, lasting pleasure.
Happiness moments lift you up to a better place. You’re alive. Things feel good and right because you’re experiencing something that personally matters to you. Something that has meaning. Something you like … love… feel gratitude for.
I’ve found in my coaching practice and studies that people who work on their happiness, choosing to be happy, are better able to live with stress and anxiety because they change their negative, debilitating feelings into positive seeing.
- They know how to create happiness.
- They know what works for them.
- They desire and practice being happy.
- They have happiness skills – tools – options. Building blocks for hope that nourishing their mind, body and spirit.
Here we are again… back at choice and commitment to change. Choosing and committing to be happy. It’s not always easy. There’s work involved and courage to create and maintain a happy life. But what rewards in holding on to happiness boosts – moments – options – choices! Please do gather them. Own them. There are no limits to happiness. Only the ones you put on yourself.
Thanks – Michael