Gremlin Talk

by Michael Feeley
Were you ever bullied?
Picked on mercilessly by someone?
It’s HELL!
You live in fear and misery all the time.
You feel worthless and nothing matters but getting through another day without pain.
No one stands up for you, not even you.
And that’s where the real pain comes from.
You take the insults because you don’t think you are worth it. You don’t see your value or believe in your meaning.
You agree with the bully.
Be aware
With all my heart I hope you’ve never been bullied, but I’m making a point.
Every one of us has an ‘inner voice’ that hurts us. It’s as cruel as a real bully who taunts and pokes at you, knocks you down and says –
‘ Hey Cry Baby! You’ll never succeed. You don’t have what it takes. You’re not worth it.’
It’s Gremlin Talk. Insidious chatter from your inner critic that lets you think you’re not good enough as a creative, writer, student, partner, athlete, entrepreneur, person… whatever.
[Enter Linda Ronstadt singing – ‘You’re No Good, You’re No Good… Baby You’re No Good’.]
Being aware of your narrow self, the heckler, resistance is the first step to fighting back and lessening its power. You must listen carefully to what this thug says to you. It’s only a piece of who you are. Not your whole self.
The purpose of your inner voice is to under value, under estimate and undermine you.
Bullies like having power. They create fear and self-doubt trying to stop you from being who you truly are and succeeding at what you hope to achieve in your life.
It’s your job to be fearless and to stand up for your self-worth and world value. You matter.
Thanks – Michael
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And take at look at this too – How to Be Free of Your Blocks.