Gratitude to Special People

by Michael Feeley
I AM DEEPLY GRATEFUL to people who have cared for me and guided me in the right direction.
Certain people suddenly appeared in my life, and their presence and kindness helped me know myself better and made it easy for me to live through trauma and challenges and come out on the other side of things into light and goodness.
I see choices and paths I could have followed that would have harmed my life, and I avoided them because of some beautiful, loving people. How different my life is because of them!
These words by Albert Schweitzer often come to my mind:
“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being.
Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.”
Who are you grateful to because they helped you be true to yourself and live a happy life?
Please tell them.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and care for others.
This is also important – Kindness.