Gratitude is In the Pain of Loss
by Michael Feeley
The pain of loss can be filled with gratitude.
Recently, I heard a piece of music that suddenly filled me with intense tears of gratitude and love for the life of someone I lost years ago.
My gratitude for these feelings and memories was immense. I treasure my emotions and this person’s meaning for me and others, even while they are not here.
I feel fortunate to feel the pain of loss for someone dear to me. It makes me strong. I’m not cold and unfeeling. Love and memories matter.
Cherish all your emotions, for they are our connection to each other – our humanity.
The emotions are not destructive. Not to be avoided.
Feeling loss and love is a gift of strength, not weakness.
Just as fear helps us fight or flee.
Regret and guilt enable us to learn and grow.
Sadness and grief are part of our being and essential to our health.
Gratitude is an antidote to heartache.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – Hope and Gratitude are Quite a Pair.