
by Michael Feeley
How does gratitude change you?
Gratitude is an immensely positive and strengthening emotion to have and focus on. And… It’s free. It costs you nothing to have. It’s abundant and alive in you. Ready to use immediately.
Right now call out something you’re grateful for. Speak it – “I’m grateful for gentle morning rain.”
- Take a moment and think about what just happened.
- Feel it. Breath it in.
- What change, if any, did expressing gratitude, make for in you?
Do you feel a little more positive? Happier? More relaxed? Peaceful? Energized? Silly? (Even silly has gratitude in it.)
I’m talking about how the emotion of gratitude can change you for the better and immediately. Thankfulness – Appreciation –
Liking something – Loving – Giving – Kindness… It’s all gratitude.
Expressing gratitude reduces troubles and promotes good feelings.
Why not take a few minutes right now and look at photos you like and love, play your favorite music, cook, clean, spend time with family or friends, whatever you do that gives you honest pleasure, do it! That’s gratitude.
It has meaning and powerful effects on you.
I find that gratitude always adds to me. Makes me more myself. More confident. Happier. Clearer. Generous. Loving.
Smart people get the power of gratitude. It’s a daily part of their healthy life-styles.
Test it. Be scientific. – How does gratitude benefit your life?
Gratitude is precious stuff and should be cared for and promoted often, in yourself and others.
Thanks – Michael
Share gratitude by sending out this post to your tribes.
And – See what this means to you – Wake-Up Gratitude.