Grateful to Be Alive

by Michael Feeley
THE FIRST THING I feel when I wake up each day is gratitude – I feel grateful to be alive.
I have practiced this choice for years – consciously choosing to like and appreciate specific things outside of myself.
Instantly I find many things to be grateful for – a bathroom, running water, electricity, coffee, fresh air, the sun, sounds of birds, music, clothes, food, refrigerator, the internet, my home, furniture.
It’s my choice to start my day feeling fortunate – to honor an abundant world, avoiding complaints even when I’m tired and have challenges ahead of me during my day.
My choice for gratitude is one of the deepest and best thing in me, giving me strength, joy, energy, peace, focus, freedom, purpose+++
Gratitude is a powerful emotion. It’s a skill you can work on at any moment.
Happiness are all part of gratitude.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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