Go After Your Dreams

by Michael Feeley
WHEN YOU GO after a dream, you’re on the hero’s journey, which includes joys and ‘sloggin’ through hell.’
There are no guarantees you’ll succeed. There’s uncertainty and risks. It might not work; you’ll fail, but – you’re committed to the journey. That’s the crucial step. The voyage will change you, and hopefully for the better. Helping you learn more about who you are and how you’re stronger than you think—pushing and filling up your imagination and desires to succeed.
Some people have a hard time with the word dream. They see a book, ‘Live Your Dream’, and dismiss it because of the word.
A dream doesn’t seem realistic to some people – it’s fluff – pie in the sky –a pipe dream – fantasy – Disney cartoon with that little Cricket wishing on a star.
Fact. We all have dreams—something you imagine in your head and heart and can’t shake loose. You may not even tell people about your dream because you’re afraid they’ll laugh and burst your bubble, and you can’t bear that.
– Aspiration may be easier to live with
– Goal sounds solid and normal
– Purpose in life
– Intention
– Work you want to do and like
Whatever you call it, it’s still powerful stuff. There’s a yearning in it. Real hunger, drive, and (here it comes, the one that’s overused and terrifying) passion. Why is it so scary? Because passion runs you. You do not control it. Something matters more to you than anything else in the world. You love and need it. Undeniable desire is with you. And – you’re so afraid it won’t happen. Passion and values can go together.
– Maybe you are living your dream, and that is fantastic. Congratulations!
– Maybe a dream doesn’t matter at all, and you’re happy with your life as it is. That is perfectly OK.
– Maybe you’re returning to a dream because suddenly it’s back in town, and it’s the right time, and you want to try. Why not!
– Or maybe you’re having a ‘late in life dream.’ Something that just popped up, and you’re 50 + 60 + 70 or older, and you have a brand new dream. A real something you want. Give yourself the green light! There are no dream rule time limits.
Many people who had a dream and did something about it in various occupations and ages come to my mind. Some gave their lives for their vision in history, art, charities, scholarships, cultures, politics, and social justice. They’re real people who went after living a dream.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also matters – How Do You Commit to Your Dreams?