Give People What They Want

by Michael Feeley
YOU AND YOUR work – the services, products, and projects you offer – should help other people get what they want – to get to where they desire to go – and make life better for them.
It includes selling real estate – teaching yoga – being a therapist – architects designing homes+++
It’s not what you think they want or telling them what you think they want. It’s listening deeply to what they need to feel whole and live well, including understanding the things they fear, concerns, intentions, attitudes, beliefs they live with. It’s having empathy for others.
Your special project will create change for people and the world, and you must be clear about what that specific change is for. Hopefully, it’s change for the better – change for the good of humanity.
Sometimes what a person wants, you can’t give to them or won’t offer them, or shouldn’t give them. That’s OK too because you can’t be everything to everyone, and your integrity matters here. That means the effect you will have on others.
Sticking to the truth and facts of who you are – how you live and work – connects to the people you hope to serve and are born to serve.
Then people will tell others about you and the work you did for them that made them happy.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – People Know the Truth.