Get What You Want

by Michael Feeley
You want something.
It’s a story you have. A wish narrative for something because you have a need. Something is lacking in your life.
Want is about change – to add something or take something away in your life so you can be more yourself. Better off.
Want has logic and imagination to it. Two positive forces.
Your want can change into a goal.
Maybe you want a new job or a new place to live or a new shirt or dress and so you might make a choice to go after getting it. You might take action to fill-up and fill-out your desire.
Wanting change is a powerful and invigorating thing unless you choose to do nothing.
Wants do not get filled – do not happen – without doing the work.
Where will you begin to get what you want?
What is one simple action step you can take today – right now – to fill in your story of want and make it happen?
Thanks – Michael
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