Get Unstuck

by Michael Feeley
You always have the choice to change and grow. You might feel stuck, unable to move, but you are not. Facing the feeling of being stuck and admitting that you think this way is a positive step toward change.
What happens when you ask: “How can I get unstuck and change?” It is an action step to freedom.
When you’re ready to shift and get unstuck, remember that even a simple action step can propel you forward and make you feel better about yourself and your work.
You may have too many books and papers around you, making you feel stuck, disorganized, and closed in. Why not take 10 minutes and choose three books you want to keep and three you want to give away and do it? The same goes for a pile of papers. Please take 10 minutes to sort out one pile, and then tomorrow, do this process again until you feel happier, more open, and more yourself.
If you feel you can’t change, that it’s impossible, then there’s the miraculous truth and action choice into possibility. The reality and ability that your change is possible – I’m possible – capable – I can – I want to – I will – here I go.
Empowerment comes from discovering what you want and doing it. It’s about taking control of your life and making desired improvements.
As I often say, the only thing that can stop you from changing is you and your inaccurate, maybe willful choice that you can’t or even won’t. Why not challenge that belief and see how the frozen ice around you breaks up? You have the power to transform your life.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Change is Always Ready for You.