Generous Service

by Michael Feeley
I thought I needed a new roof, so my friend Jean Luc sent me a person to assess it. The man showed up right on time, took a look inside and out of the house, and said, “No. You don’t need a new roof. You only need some repairs, and I can do them for you now.”
I was shocked. Work like this never happens so quickly. The man put up his ladders and started. In about 5 hours, he finished. He also checked and cleaned my gutters and repaired a broken drainpipe I hadn’t seen. His price was exceptionally fair.
I thanked him profusely and asked for his card so I could contact him again if I needed more help. He said, “Just call Jean Luc. He has been very good to me, so I always like to help him back.”
Generous service is what this man offers. Respect and gratitude run his work.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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