Feels Like Home to Me

by Michael Feeley
WHAT MAKES YOU say – “Feels like home to me.”
Is it where you live?
Is it a certain person?
Is it family, friends, work, creativity?
Expressing yourself teaching yoga – photography – dancing – writing – cooking – designing a home – helping other people feel known – caring for animals – performing+++
What are the specific facts and emotions that have you know – This feels like home to me. Home where I belong.
For some people it’s traveling the world – being a nomadic traveler – one of the other people living on the fringes, maybe unseen, going where they are needed for as long as they are needed and then… moving onward.
What is it for you – making you feel at home?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with others.
This might also work well for you – Peace.