Feeling Good Has Facts

by Michael Feeley
WHEN YOU FEEL GOOD, do you know the reasons why, or is it just a feeling?
Maybe you got a haircut and feel good!
You ate delicious food.
Enjoyed a beautiful sunny day.
Meditated and exercised.
Tore up your ‘To-Do List.’
Listened to your favorite music and danced.
You’re with a person you love.
Feeling good is gratitude and is always based on facts.
It will help if you know the facts of why you feel good, happy, grateful, so the feeling is scientific, tangible.
This way, if feeling good goes away, you can get it back because you have the answers.
I’m encouraging you to put together – facts and feelings – logic and emotion – scientific data and passion – left and right brain.
When you need a feel good gratitude boost, do the things that make you strong and happy.
As soon as you do, you shift your state of mind and heart right into gratitude.
Make gratitude and feeling good a steady logical, and emotional choice.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily and help people feel good for a reason.
This is also something good to think about – Nuggets of Gratitude or Resentment.