Fears and Dreams

by Michael Feeley
There’s only one reason you do not go after living your dreams – Fear.
You’re afraid of failure. Afraid of putting your entire self into your work and then out into the world.
Afraid of criticism. Afraid to be seen as a fraud.
It’s the question we all face if we want to achieve our dreams and live an extraordinary life of service, creativity, art,
truth and beauty.
Why this dream?
Why this dream for you? Figure it out and then go after it so you can shine in your destiny.
It’s risky to know what you’re afraid of and then to take action and break through the blocks of fear.
There’s the resistance too. Your inner critic that says –
“You won’t amount to anything. Stay in the wings. Don’t step into the spot light.”
It’s always there (that heckler voice in your head) but you must be aware of it. Know it. Embrace it and then there can be some freedom.
And if you fail, then what?
Will you try again and do better?
Be brave and extraordinary or just fake away, be generic, average?
I’m for making a difference and not playing safe. Being bold. Open up your heart and show people what YOU are made of. Generosity – Brilliance – Integrity. Be irresistible to your fans. People like us want this.
Yes – You bet you will be vulnerable – wide open to criticism but again – What Do You Want? To stand still and have cold feet or — “…screw your courage to the sticking-place…” and succeed with your dreams?
I encourage you, with all of my heart and life experience, to commit to your dreams and that means doing everything humanly possible (and beyond) to make your dreams come true. Why not! You and your dreams are worth it!
Thanks – Michael
Please send this out to your friends to help face your fears and live your dreams.
This will also interest you – Live Your Dreams – 25 Surprising Ideas to Help You Do It.