Fear Can Be Convenient

by Michael Feeley
WE ALL STRUGGLE with fear, and sometimes we use fear as a convenience to stop us from taking action and doing the work we are meant to do with our lives here on earth, and with all our love, from the depths of our hearts.
The pain of fear and doubt also has great pleasure because you don’t have to be self-motivated and come through. You can sabotage yourself and let resistance win by doing nothing except screwing up your opportunity for happiness and success.
I can’t – I won’t – is a powerful excuse unless you make a different choice and work through the fear.
Your destiny is in your resilient, creative, strong, and wise hands.
You can instantly change and be true to yourself by sitting down and doing your work.
Watch what happens to fear when you show up and produce with courage.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily without fear.
This is also useful – Fear and Resistance are Good.