Fear and Resistance are Good

by Michael Feeley
FEAR IS RESISTANCE. Your inner voice, the lizard brain that tells you to be afraid of doing something – alarming you to keep away – that what you desire most to achieve is too much, not worth it.
I have learned that the fear and doubt I feel is a positive signal, guiding me forward to do what I most want because
it matters, and I can succeed. I can win. I can trust myself with fear.
Fear is a friend.
Fear is a gift.
Fear is good.
Acknowledging fear, facing fear always takes away its power.
There is pleasure in being fearless. Fear… Less…
The size of the fear also means it’s vital for my growth and change, and conquering my anxiety will make me a better person – more myself.
The challenge and the stretching of myself to get through fear is something I like. It’s not comfort, complacency, and familiarity but the opportunity to explore the new and unknown in myself.
I don’t want to keep doing the same old thing. I yearn for change, and fear helps me know this.
I’m grateful for fear.
Fear tells me I’m in the right place, headed in the right direction, to be unafraid, and do what I want to do with courage for freedom, strength, presence, expression, creativity, happiness, and success.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily and let’s conquer our fears.
This is also valuable – Don’t You Love Courage!