Emotions and Logic

by Michael Feeley
Emotions and logic are in all of us. We may lead with one over the other but both work together.
I’ve been ruled more by my emotions, run by my heart than by logic. This is probably because I was an actor and singer for many years. I’d read something or hear a song and be deeply moved.
When I look at the structure of a play or a specific scene and the reason why a character does what he does, there is logic. The more you understand the facts and reasons why, the more you have emotions and feel the role you’re creating.
The same is true for music and the science of notes, their values, with major and minor, high and low, and how all these things blend and call forth emotions through words and language.
This is also true in sports, where there is a solid strategy in tennis, football, and marathons, and emotions run high when playing the game.
If you feel more logical, seek where emotions are right alongside. The same goes for being run by emotions. Logic is there.
Logic and emotions—facts and feelings—the left and right brain work together differently in practically everything.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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