Does Caring About Other People Matter?

by Michael Feeley
LET’S BE RADICAL – just for one hour today – and make the choice to think about another person in your life.
It’s going to be hard (maybe impossible) because I’m asking you to remove all focus on yourself and your Ego – Resistance – Your Inner Critic – will hate this because, in its eyes, nothing is more important than you!
– Pick someone and be curious about who that person is.
– What do they think and feel and want to be happy?
– What do they dream about, long for, desire?
– What are they afraid of, their real worries, doubts, and concerns?
– Where can you be immediately helpful and kind to this one human being?
Connect with that person.
Express your gratitude to them for a specific reason.
Talk to them and learn something new you didn’t know.
Celebrate their life in some meaningful way.
And after one hour of genuine care, ask yourself:
– What difference does interest in another person (who is the same and different from me) have on me?
– What happens when I give my precious self – my vulnerable, powerful mind and heart – to someone else?
And the whopper of a question (besides does it matter at all) is:
– How does my sincere interest in another person take care of ME?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with others because you care about their well being.
I think you’ll like this too – Goodwill Has Power.