Do It Naturally

by Michael Feeley
WHAT ARE THE THINGS you do naturally – where you do them spontaneously, without thinking at all or very little?
> Hopefully, all our senses do their natural hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, and seeing best.
> Breathing in and out.
> Sleeping when tired.
> Eating when hungry.
> Going to work (hopefully on time).
> Caring for your pets.
> Locking up your home.
> Making sure your children go to school and do well.
> Paying your electric bill.
> Wearing clean clothes.
> Opening your computer to research and connect.
> Getting gas for the car or plugging it in to charge.
> Learning.
> Telling special people how much you love them.
> Expressing gratitude.
It feels good to be natural – free – relaxed – in control – happy – peaceful.
Where would you like to be more natural?
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share my Daily in all the natural ways you can think of.
I like this for you also – Happy and Concerns Go Together.