Describe Yourself

by Michael Feeley
How do you describe yourself?
Some people see themselves as champions, showing up and doing their best. Or as warriors with strength and purpose. Problem solvers who help situations and people find answers. Leading lady carrying a play or movie through from start to finish. A coach helping others live their best lives.
How you define yourself is your story, your work, services, products, and branding.
It helps to be clear about who you are, what you do, and why.
If you’re a coach, are you a career coach, executive coach, or couples coach? Who are the people you serve? Men and women? What is their age and occupation? What are their questions, hopes, fears, dreams?
See the wonder, fun, and necessity of carefully describing your ‘self?’
It will help people find you.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with others.
This is also important – Care for Others is Self Care.