
by Michael Feeley
YOU MEET ALL kinds of demands, and they bring up questions.
Demands can be deadlines and decisions regarding work or promises.
People’s requests to obtain goods or services – supply and demand.
Even personal demands you make on yourself because you want to change something about yourself and
live a dream you have filled with burning desire.
Demands can be ultimatums – where someone gives you orders – even threats – “Do this or else.”
> How realistic, respectful and fair are the demands you’re receiving?
> How appealing to you and achievable are the demands?
> What change will a demand make?
> How might a demand make things better for you, other people, and the world?
> If you commit to the demands, what compromises might you have to make?
> What standards of excellence and quality will the demand require you to meet?
> Will accepting the demand make you feel you are living in integrity or selling yourself out?
There are facts and feelings to consider in every demand, and you always have a choice to accept the demand or to say no.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Being True to Yourself Means What?