Criticism and Thanks

by Michael Feeley
PEOPLE TEND TO criticize and complain first rather than praise and thank.
There’s an art to being a good critic. It has kindness, accuracy, and support even when it’s tough. It’s the hope that another person (and their work) will be as good as they can be.
If you look at a famous, respected critic in any field – the arts, politics, sports, cooking, sales, business – they give their opinion by telling you what’s good, what’s middling, and what needs work. There is gratitude for the work, the creation, shipping, showing, and trying something out. They want you to succeed.
Why do people choose to find fault over appreciation?
Resistance is at work, encouraging negativity, superiority, dominance, control. It’s ugly power.
It takes the same energy to be a kind, just, and good critic and have goodwill as it does to destroy.
We each have that choice.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This matters too – Thwart or Goodwill.