Core Values and Codes of Ethics

by Michael Feeley
CORE VALUES AND codes of ethics are related. They are about Integrity, personally and professionally.
What are the standards you hold yourself to and your profession?
I’m particularly interested in the code of ethics for US Air Force personnel and Doctors.
Here is what stands out for me in their code of ethics.
US Air Force:
“… Integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do…. courage and conviction. We must be willing to control our impulses and exercise courage, honesty, and accountability to do what is right even when no one is looking.”
American Medical Association:
“First – Do no harm… . A physician shall uphold the standards of professionalism, be honest in all professional interactions,
and strive to report physicians deficient in character or competence, or engaging in fraud or deception, to appropriate entities.”
Impressive. Both call to the best and most profound feelings and responsibilities in a person.
Integrity is a choice and a commitment. It takes practice to be the same person in all situations, all the time especially
…when no one is looking… and doing no harm.
Setting an intention to be true to yourself and just to all other people and things means:
– You’re an ethical leader.
– Choosing to be brave.
– Maintaining an exemplary reputation.
– Consciously aware of the effect your words and actions have.
– Keeping your promises.
– Law-abiding.
– Always telling the truth.
– Beneficence.
Just think – if you are ethical – one way all the time (no matter where you are) – with yourself – partner – family – colleagues – strangers – then you never have to hide – worry about breaking the law – or lying.
What freedom and peace and happiness honor makes for.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily with others for integrity all the time.
This is also important – What is a Grifter?