
by Michael Feeley
WHEN YOU MAKE a commitment, are you clear about the reason why?
Commitments are choices. They have a purpose.
What does it mean to commit fully to something?
Commitment is action. It’s work and discipline. It means no excuses, no playing around, or being partial or sloppy. You’re either in or out.
If you commit to writing and publishing daily, how will you do it, maintain it, and meet your deadlines?
What if you decide to meditate every day for 5 – 10 minutes – look for a new job – remove salt from your diet – find new friends who are not emotional vampires – read 10 pages a day in a book – help another person feel known, listened to, cared about, to meet their goals and have them feel good?
When will you do it – daily – every Monday + Wednesday + Friday – every two weeks – once a month?
Commitment means you have carefully thought your choice through and created a doable plan that will have you keep your word.
Commitment means you make a promise. You’re dedicated, faithful, loyal, true to yourself and others.
Clarity of commitment is crucial. It helps you achieve your purpose with pride, gratitude, and self-respect.
Committing takes courage. You make up your mind and do what you say you will do.
With commitment comes change – for you – for someone – for something else.
Sometimes, commitment means saying no.
Commitment is the choice to lead.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This also makes a difference – Change Requires Commitment.