Choose to Be Fearless

by Michael Feeley
Be fearless with the facts of who you are and what you do.
Thoroughly know your skills and abilities so well that you’re willing to put them on the line to get a job and ask for what you want because you know you’re good and people hiring you will benefit from all your experience and knowledge.
Be unafraid to stand up and stand out. Take risks.
Why wait in line when you can raise your hand and move forward?
Why wait on hold for an answer when you can figure out another way?
Why wait to be discovered when you can create opportunities to be seen?
Yes. You might get rejected, turned down, and told no, but rejection is only temporary, something to spring back from and learn from. Each rejection is an opportunity to improve, to refine your approach, and to grow stronger.
Remember, you are resilient and resourceful. Exploit these skills and values. Be fearless in your pursuit of your goals and dreams.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
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This is also important – Be Fearless.