Change Requires Commitment

by Michael Feeley
TAKE ONE SMALL step at a time to create the change you want.
Take turtle steps.
Do things drip by drip by drip.
Adjust your sail and rudder to go in the direction you want to go.
Maybe you want to change how you eat.
Make a plan.
Be organized and steady.
Clean out your refrigerator and pantry.
Create a food journal and list what you eat and what you don’t eat.
1st Day – no sugar + drink plenty of water
2nd Day – no sugar + no cheese + add natural fruit
3rd Day – no sugar + no cheese + no bread + add fresh vegetables
4th Day – no sugar, no cheese, no bread, no fried foods + add seeds + grains
5th Day – no sugar, no cheese, no bread, no fried foods, no peanut butter + add fish + proteins
6th Day – tell a friend and have them hold you accountable and also join you
7th Day – You’ve come through one week!
See how small steps can work?
How things are deleted and added to you Day by Day?
Please have FUN creating change. Celebrate your ‘self’!
And – Watch out for resistance – that inner critic and ruthless troublemaker who will tempt you to cheat and fail –
to get stressed and irritated – complaining – impatient for results – feeling it’s too much effort! You’re stronger and smarter than your Heckler is. Call him out! Face your villain and keep riding into the sunset.
Change requires commitment. It’s a process. Respect yourself for honoring choices for change.
Thanks – Michael (he, him)
Please share this Daily to create positive change.
This too is important – Your Gifts and Skills Can Create Change.