Change Leadership

by Michael Feeley
Change is happening all over the globe with our health crisis and it’s an opportunity to create the changes we want in positive and healing ways – at work – our personal lives – and the lives of others. Change is asking for our creative leadership.
– What changes do you want to see?
– What change can you create?
I think about leadership. In the world, my community, and myself. We are all leaders. ‘Change Makers’ (CM).
Mothers and fathers – wives and husbands – children – government officials – health professionals – food suppliers – teachers – bakers – business owners++ People with knowledge, skills and the ability to make a difference.
How can leadership roles be more compelling to connect better with people in and out of work?
What about these changes:
- Chief Energy Officer (CEO)
- Change Encourager (CE)
- Chief Listener (CL)
- Difference Maker (DM)
- Agent for Change (AFC)
- Emotional Labor Organizer (ELO)
- Precedent instead of President
What if human resources worked to – bring humanity back to the workplace?
The change is serious fun to think about and act on. To actually make life better in direct, simple and splendid ways.
The deepest change can be in how we see and treat our fellow man. That can start right away.
How are you leading these days?
Thanks – Michael
Please lead by sharing this post with your tribes.
And see what this means to you – Free to Change! 4 Life Coaching Tips.
#265 (photo – Three Muses & French anemone flowers)